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My Story

I serve people who are ready to reconnect with himself/herself and become the true authentic self they once knew.  This naturally brings more energy, clarity, and joy into daily life.


My life coach/ success coach certificate was received through Jay Shetty Certification School in 2021.


My diverse background of chemistry, athletics, athletic therapy, martial arts, triathlons, marathons, massage, yoga, dancing, and coaching all adds to the experience in the zoom hour together. I find my purpose in listening to and caring for clients in our time together. The experience is custom made for each client to best serve him/her to walk out of the call with more energy, clarity, and joy for his/her daily life.


A few things about my expertise in my own life:

I am great at:

  • Coming back to happiness and peace after tough times,

  • Going from the feeling of surviving to thriving,  

  • Creating the space within myself for my best energy to thrive

  • Escaping uncomfortable situations (LOL), 

  • Staying too long in situations that do not fit my purpose, and 

  • Not a bad dancer.  


What was my journey into life coaching? Like so many others, my life story is full of goodness with a few stresses and traumas mixed in. My serial learning life that lead to life coaching:

  • Working in laboratories as a chemist (BS).  It was fulfilling work with a lot of variety in its duties, but something was still missing. 12 years into this career, I went back to school for another career.

  • Athletic Trainer (MSAT). This is where I truly began my life coaching journey.  I practiced sports psychology skills, helping the athletes with performance plateaus or fear of injury.  The performance coach within me began practicing her skills. 

  • massage therapy (LMT)

  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)

  • foam roller therapy

  • kinesio taping 

  • yoga teacher YT200

  • meditation

  • black belt in Shotokan Karate and Tae Kwan Do

  • ballroom dance 


​This journey has led me to continually evolve my work into what it is today. I help people find their untapped energy within their authentic self. It is amazing how the authentic self naturally moves with grace through life seemingly effortlessly.


Along with my career journey, my personal journey in life had its ups and downs and many changes. It was difficult for me to reach out and ask for help of any kind. I became the, "I can and will do it myself!" kind of person, and I did exactly that. I found my way to accomplish everything on my own always having thoughts of "life is hard". Through each transition in life, including divorces, loss, and traumas, I would read self help books to help me cope and get through to my next chapter of life. This is the way I began my self care studies into being receptive of help from others. Then, I was able to use a life coach and truly saw great benefit in having another set of eyes and ears on my situations.  It accelerated my progress more than I was doing on my own by giving me more clarity, and I began to think "Wow! This is EASY!"  This is why I want to help you in the same way. If I can go from a person saying… “life is hard” to a person saying… “That was EASY.” Then you can too.


In the end, I have the most satisfaction through living my purpose of helping YOU become your best YOU.  This is why I began life coaching full time. If you're ready to take the next step and want to explore working together, click the "next step" button.


Let's Connect

Phone: 239-359-4133

If you could transform any area of your life, what would that be?

What impact would that transformation have in all the other areas of your life?

What is stopping you from this transformation?


On a scale of 1-10, what would it be like for you to have this transformation happen at an extraordinary rate?   If you scored 6 or higher, then click the "breakthrough" button below.


I have designed a set of questions that will create a breakthrough for your life!

© 2023 by Sandra Fisher. Proudly created with

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